Thursday, March 22, 2007

I just don't get it.

My missing handkerchief was found in the middle of the floor. Unwashed. Confused? Me too.
Yesterday was quite a long day for me. Of to doctor appontment wher ethey told me my liver levels had risen 20% and we needed to continue to monitor this. OK. After I drove home, I just did not have the heart to drive back to school so I rode bike which meant I had to ride bike to church for a meeting. I have had a sore knee for about 3 weeks but I rode extremely hard through the pain. I just felt good riding. I got home and went for the vitamin M (Motrin) so I could get some sleep.
I have concerns for friends. Praying that they know we care for them and that we love them and want to be with them in their time of need.
Prayer time today needs more work. I just didn't get there today. Searching for my connection.

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